Tickets for Kruder & Dorfmeister 25 Years Anniversary | Visuals by lichterloh Saal 1 | Funkhaus Berlin Berlin on 14.04.19
Tickets for Kruder & Dorfmeister Berlin
Funkhaus presents:
Kruder & Dorfmeistr | 25th anniversary – 1993 – 2018
Doors: 18:30
Showtime: 20:30
25 years after their first release G-Stoned – the classic first EP, which became a legendary vinyl mile stone, K&D will celebrate their anniversary with a very special 3 hour audio visual set. K&D perform back to back, just as it happened in the early days.
The visuals are produced and performed by “lichterloh tv” – the sophisticated visual production team from Vienna Austria.
Peter Kruder and Richard Dorfmeister, the Producer Godfather’s from Vienna / Austria, are universally known for their stunning productions and ground breaking remixes. The genre defining DJ Kicks album and their masterpiece The K&D Sessions sold each far over one million copies worldwide and became a cult collection. Their left field mixes and luscious grooves and are now rightly considered as genre classics.
Still today, their tonal language, musical approach and style represents their unique mastery – with a new generation of beat makers referencing the timeless, open minded and forever looking forward approach, that digs a deep whole in your soul.
Very limited Dinner Tickets available
* Dinner & Concert information:
Start: 18:00
Rote Beete Rübenmousse / Erbsen / Kräuter / Onsen Ei
Beet Mousse / Peas / Herbs / Onsen Egg
Lasagnette / Linsen
Lasagnette / Lentils
Skrei / Fenchelkraut /Kartoffelschaum
Skrei / Fennelslaw / Potatofoam
Krautwickerl mit Haselnuss und Karotte
Kraut Involtini with Hazelnut und Carrot
Frittierter strudel/ Walnusseis / Birne
Fried Strudel/ Walnut Icecream / Pear
Dinner includes Water, Beer, Wine & Cremant
Please contact us for more information and if you wish to have a vegetarian/vegan option (club@funkhaus-berlin.net)